Hosting a FLEX student can be a life-changing experience. You have the opportunity to bring the world into your family and to learn firsthand about other countries from their young people, including those with a disability. At the same time you also have the chance to teach about the United States, and the culture and values of your community. Most students say that their host family is the most important part of this life-changing experience. While host families often find the experience to be profoundly gratifying, this type of person-to-person connection also serves the greater good by promoting goodwill and mutual understanding across countries and cultures.
All FLEX applicants compete in three rigorous rounds of competition to be selected for the program, and are selected by trained evaluators based on their ability to adapt and thrive away from home in a new culture for a year. Over 35,000 students apply to FLEX each year, and approximately 1,000 scholarships are awarded. Whether you are a young family, retired, a single parent, empty-nesters or otherwise interested in bringing a part of the world to your home, click here to submit a hosting inquiry and learn more about this extraordinary opportunity.
of applicants receive a FLEX scholarship, compared to the Ivy League's 4-6% acceptance rate.
presentations are given per year by FLEX students about their countries in their host schools and communities.
of alumni say the best thing about FLEX is having a lifelong second family and building mutual understanding between the U.S. and their home country.
Every year, FLEX Students are hosted:
50 States
900+ Families
750+ Schools
Typical distribution of FLEX student placements across the U.S.